Collection: Table of financial indicators

In thousands CZK 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
Net Turnover (Total Revenues) 444,911 374,521 324,777 255,620 230,615
Revenues from the sale of products and services 45,431 34,591 26,470 24 121 25,303
Revenue from the sale of goods 390,667 330,778 288,300 222 148 196,802
Total sales 436,098 365 369 314,770 246 269 222 105
YoY change 19.36% 16.07% 27.82% 10.88%
EBITDA 25,416 19,283 19,750 15 101 7 108
YoY change 31.81% -2.36% 30.79% 112.45%
Depreciation + Taxes and fees in the operating area 4,880 2,855 1,344 6 102 4,736
Operating profit (EBIT) 20,536 16,428 18,406 8,999 2,372
YoY change 25.01% -10.75% 104.53% 279.38%
Financial VH -7,847 -1,543 -1,317 -3,513 -2,745
Earnings before tax (EBT) 12,688 14,885 17,089 5,486 -373
Income tax 2,705 3 175 3 411 1,473 206
Net Earnings (EAT) 9,983 11,710 13,678 4,013 -579
YoY change -14.75% -14.39% 240.84% on
Profit margins 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
EBITDA margin 10.21% 5.28% 6.27% 6.13% 3.20%
EBIT margin 4.71% 4.50% 5.85% 3.65% 1.07%
EBT margin 2.91% 4.07% 5.43% 2.23% -0.17%
Net margin 2.29% 3.20% 4.35% 1.63% -0.26%
Balance sheet and related indicators 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
Total assets 257,540 226,712 202,706 149 155 141,798
Fixed assets 43,705 30,627 23,295 25 102 24,547
Current assets 212 155 193,850 177,071 120,934 112,075
Cash 14,735 9,344 13,819 5,874 8,226
Equity 104,360 101,092 89,295 28,059 19,797
Long-term liabilities 22,068 7,164 6,204 8,588 9,381
Current liabilities 127,945 115,601 104,061 111 334 111 216
Net working capital 84,210 78,249 73,010 9,600 859
CAPEX 23,338 11,597 2006 4,042 12,010
Net Debt 100,432 81 117 59 311 77,479 76,292
Net Debt / EBITDA 3.95 4.21 3.00 5.13 10.73
Net Debt / Equity 0.96 0.80 0.66 2.76 3.85
Normal liquidity 1.66 1.68 1.70 1.09 1.01
Instant liquidity 0.12 0.08 0.13 0.05 0.07
Analytical indicators 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
Return on Equity (ROE) 9.57% 11.58% 15.32% 14.30% -2.92%
Return on Assets (ROA) 3.88% 5.17% 6.75% 2.69% -0.41%
Number of shares 2,222,000 2,222,000 2,222,000 0 0
Earnings per share (EPS) CZK 4.49 CZK 5.27 CZK 6.16
Price per share as of 31.12. of the given year 188 CZK 188 CZK 356 CZK
Dividend per share CZK 0.00 CZK 3.00 CZK 0.00
Payout ratio 0.00% 56.93% 0.00%
Market capitalization CZK 417,736,000 CZK 417,736,000 CZK 791,032,000
Enterprise Value (EV) CZK 518,168,000 CZK 498,853,000 CZK 850,343,000
EV/EBITDA 20.39 25.87 43.06
EV/Sales 1.19 1.37 2.70
P/E 41.84 35.67 57.83