Collection: IT'S FIXED

Podívej se, jak ve FIXED testujeme ochranná skla na mobil

Podívej se, jak ve FIXED testujeme ochranná skla na mobil

Napadlo tě někdy, jak výrobci ochranných skel na mobily získávají jistotu, že jejich produkty neselžou? Pokud to se sliby o kvalitě myslí vážně, nechávají je důkladně testovat. Přečti si, kterými typy testů nejčastěji prochází ochranná skla FIXED a jak si v zátěžové zkoušce vedlo naše ultraodolné ochranné sklo FIXED Armor. V článku najdeš podrobné výsledky testů. 
Proč jsou produkty z koženky stále populárnější a jak o tento materiál pečovat?

Proč jsou produkty z koženky stále populárnější a jak o...

I když nejde o pravou kůži, na pohled může vypadat stejně. Řeč je o umělé kůži neboli kožence, ze které ve FIXED ručně vyrábíme pouzdra na notebook, obaly na mobil nebo taštičky přes rameno. Přečti si, proč je tak populární, v čem je lepší než přírodní kůže a jak o ni správně pečovat.
Co tě vždy zajímalo o technologii MagSafe, ale bál ses zeptat

Co tě vždy zajímalo o technologii MagSafe, ale bál ses...

Proč své zařízení nabíjet jen klasicky přes kabel? Bezdrátové dobíjení mobilů je po celém světě stále populárnější, z velké části díky technologii MagSafe od společnosti Apple. Jak funguje, které iPhony ji podporují a které nabíječky a další produkty si k ní pořídit? 
Zpětná vazba ve FIXED

Feedback in FIXED

At FIXED, feedback has turned from an opportunity for development to a necessary building block of our corporate culture. It ceases to be voluntary and becomes mandatory.
It almost seems as if we are moving towards a directive mode of management. They started mandating what is mandatory and forcing employees to do things that we in management think are right.
Práce na dálku ve FIXED

Remote work in FIXED

It will soon be 5 years since we launched our "Remote Work". Yes, it was almost a year before the arrival of Covid when the home office became a necessity (sometimes a necessary evil). However, our reasons were different than the quarantine and I believe that it is precisely because of this that we did not have to return to the office for mandatory attendance after the end of Covid.
Čím se řídit při pořizování voděodolného či vodotěsného pouzdra (nejen) na mobil?

What should be followed when purchasing a water resistant or...

The hot summer encourages spending time with friends by the water. But before you head out for water fun, don't forget to get a protective cover for your phone and other things. In the article, we will tell you how to choose the ideal bag or case for yourself or why it is necessary to distinguish between waterproof and waterproof.
Jedeš na dovolenou či výlet? Nezapomeň si zabalit těchto 6 věcí

Are you going on vacation or a trip? Don't forget...

Summer is knocking on the door and with it comes the season of vacations and shorter trips. When to prepare for them? The ideal time is right now, so you don't stress at the last minute before departure. We have put together tips for you on 6 things that will make your vacations and trips more pleasant and easier.
Podle čeho vybrat powerbanku a jak o ni pečovat?

How to choose a power bank and how to care...

Do you need to have a charged mobile phone, but you can't get to an electrical outlet for tens of hours or even several days? A power bank will save you. Read what you will use it for, how to choose the ideal one for you or how to charge it properly.
Chytrý lokátor FIXED Tag Card: Co stálo za jeho vznikem a jak funguje?

Smart locator FIXED Tag Card: What was behind its creation...

Do you find that finding your wallet or backpack is sometimes a superhuman task? That's why we've delved into the world of smart locators and previously entered Find My, Apple's global search network. Not only FIXED Tag works on its technology, but also our novelty in the form of Tag Card.
Jak si správně vybrat držák na mobil nebo tablet do auta

How to choose the right holder for a mobile phone...

Do you have a smartphone in your hand while driving and don't know whether to focus on the steering wheel first or what's happening on the display? Maybe it's high time to buy a holder for your mobile phone or tablet. In the article, we will tell you how to choose the best one for yourself and what to pay attention to when purchasing a holder.
FIXED Tempered Glass

How to properly stick the protective glass on Samsung Galaxy...

Bonding tempered glass to Samsung Galaxy S series mobile phones is quite specific, among other things due to the need to turn on the so-called touch sensitivity. But you don't have to worry, with our instructions you will be able to do it in no time. So how to do it?
Jak vypadá nový Samsung Galaxy S24 a které příslušenství si k němu pořídit?

What does the new Samsung Galaxy S24 look like and...

Fans of Samsung smartphones have been waiting. On January 17, the South Korean manufacturer presented this year's flagship mobile phone – the Samsung Galaxy S24. As expected, this series immediately became one of the best phones of today. What does a brand new mobile phone look like, what can it do and which accessories should I buy for it?