Collection: IT'S FIXED

Jak a k čemu využívat technologii MagSafe, když máš mobil s Androidem?

How and why to use MagSafe technology if you have...

Wireless charging, attaching your phone to a selfie stick , or easily attaching it to a magnetic car mount. Apple's MagSafe technology has been making life easier for iPhone users for years. But did you know that you can also use it if you own an Android phone? We'll tell you how.

11 tipů, jak v mrazivých dnech i horku správně pečovat o baterii mobilu

11 tips on how to properly care about your mobile...

It's a beautiful, clear day, it's freezing outside, and you and your friends are going skiing. After going down the hill twice, you look at your phone and it says: "The battery is almost dead." How is this possible, even though your smartphone was on the charger before you left? The culprit is the low temperature. We have tips for you on how to properly care for your phone's battery not only in the cold, but also in the summer heat.

Co tě vždy zajímalo o technologii MagSafe, ale bál ses zeptat

What you always wondered about MagSafe technology but were afraid...

Why only charge your device the traditional way with a cable? Wireless charging for mobile phones is becoming increasingly popular around the world, thanks in large part to Apple's MagSafe technology. How does it work, which iPhones support it, and which chargers  and other products to buy with it?
Podle čeho vybrat powerbanku a jak o ni pečovat?

How to choose a power bank and how to care...

Do you need to have a charged mobile phone, but you can't get to an electrical outlet for tens of hours or even several days? A power bank will save you. Read what you will use it for, how to choose the ideal one for you or how to charge it properly.
4 trendy a inovace ve světě nabíjecích a datových kabelů. Znáš je všechny?

4 trends and innovations in the world of charging and...

Data and charging cables belong to technologies that are used by practically every person. But a cable is not like a cable. What types are currently in vogue and which trends and innovations are moving the world of cables? We will answer that too in the following lines.
Mini nabíječka FIXED

Charging glossary: ​​get an overview in 16 key terms

USB-C, mAh, Smart Charging or even Qi. Are you planning to buy a new charger for your mobile phone, laptop or tablet, but are you dizzy from all the terms mentioned in the product information? Don't worry, we'll make them clear to you in a moment.
FIXED nabíječka

Choosing the proper charger: How to extend battery life?

After thorough research, you have a brand new smartphone in your hand, but the battery doesn't last nearly as long as you expected. An unsuitable charger may be the key. What factors are most important in choosing the right one for optimal performance?
FIXED bezdrátová nabíječka, řemínek na Apple Watch

Everything you need to know about wireless charging

Wireless charging has become a key feature of modern smartphones, allowing users to charge their devices without the need for a physical cable connection. What should you know about the most popular Qi and MagSafe wireless chargers?
Jak si vybrat správnou nabíječku pro své Samsung zařízení

How to choose the proper charger for your Samsung device

Samsung smartphones often show the charge value incorrectly. The brand is not to blame, but the use of inappropriate accessories. We know how - our product specialists have researched proven methods for efficient charging and the right accessories.